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Impact Report 2023
Organisation :
This report takes stock of the Circle Economy Foundation's achievements over the last decade, which aims to accelerate the transition to the circular economy.
White Paper: An Integrated Investment Framework
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This paper lays out a concerted investment approach for water and food systems, demonstrating the investment opportunities and returns on investment, while offering a proposed financial execution framework that addresses the barriers to public and private investments.
The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World
This report provides an update on progress towards meeting the global targets of ending hunger and all forms of malnutrition, and estimates on the number of people who are unable to afford a healthy diet.
The Global Climate 2011-2020
This report documents how extreme events across the decade had devastating impacts, particularly on food security, displacement and migration, hindering national development and progress toward the SDGs.
Organisation :
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
This paper applies the OECD’s framework to provide recommendations for how to encourage the use of nature-based solutions by Hungarian municipalities to mobilize further public and private investment in climate adaptation..
A Territorial Approach to Climate Action and Resilience
This report proposes a new OECD territorial climate indicator framework and demonstrates that the potential to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, adapt to climate impacts and address vulnerabilities varies across different territories.
This report presents pathways to get to near-zero emissions in the key cooling sectors and provides a call to action for countries to pursue the policies and strategies that have the greatest impact in reducing cooling-related emissions.
Organisation :
Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)
UN Women

This guides offers a step-by-step methodology on how to integrate gender in long-term low emissions development strategies in Burkina Faso.

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This report analyses the EU’s Regulation for Deforestation-free Products (EUDR) and offers insights that can be transferred to other due diligence instruments that are currently being drafted or negotiated.
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This research evaluates shows that installing private water meters in residential neighborhoods or buildings can reduce the rate of water consumption.