An Innovation Pathway to Decarbonization: Circular economy solutions for policymakers and industry in the US

Ellen MacArthur Foundation
An innovation pathway to decarbonization

The United States is facing escalating challenges related to climate change, supply chain security and economic competitiveness. In response, there is a growing opportunity for both the government and businesses to embrace circular economy solutions to address these pressing priorities.

This report underscores the critical importance of transitioning to a circular economy, highlighting its potential to significantly impact climate change mitigation efforts and bolster economic resilience. By shifting towards circular business models and policies, the US can unlock substantial economic and environmental benefits across various industries.

As momentum builds towards circularity, the US has the opportunity to lead the charge in innovation and sustainability. By adopting a cohesive, multi-industry strategy, policymakers and industry stakeholders can harness the full potential of the circular economy, driving progress towards economic prosperity, environmental sustainability and global competitiveness.

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