Welcome To The Green Industry Platform


PRESS RELEASE - New York, 16 July 2019: Two New Platforms Offer the Latest Knowledge on Green Finance and Green Business


Around the world, businesses of all sizes becoming more competitive by greening their input materials, end products, and operations, and new green business opportunities are emerging in both new and traditional industries. 

Launched in July 2019, the Green Industry Platform offers small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) cutting-edge knowledge, tools, and practical guidance from leading experts and institutions to green and grow their business. 

The platform offers everything from global-scale assessments to highly specialised guidance notes. Users can browse 193 country pages or by regionsector, or cross-cutting theme, including genderjobsclimate changecircular economy, and natural capital.

Ban Ki-moon, former Secretary-General of the United Nations and current President and Chair of the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) welcomed the launch of the new platform.

“These are especially exciting times for the Green Growth Knowledge Partnership (GGKP), already the world’s largest dedicated repository of green growth resources, case studies, and national documents,” he said.

The platforms offer SMEs with quick and east access to sector and region-specific information on:

  • How to save money by becoming more resource and energy efficient
  • How to “turn waste into gold”
  • How to identify and develop the right green skills for your industry
  • New green technologies and innovations that can help streamline business processes 
  • Financing options available to green technologies or processes
  • Industry-specific standards and certifications
  • New green business models

Li Yong, Director General of United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), said, “UNIDO welcomes the expansion of the Green Growth Knowledge Partnership to its new focus on industry through the Green Industry Platform, introduced in parallel with the Green Finance Platform. The Green Industry Platform is evolving to become a critical tool SMEs to engage in global efforts towards inclusive and sustainable industrial development.”

“As SMEs employ up to 60% of the global workforce; their full involvement in the transition to an inclusive green economy is essential to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals,” he added. “The new Green Industry Platform will equip SMEs with sector- and region-specific information, guidance, and tools to grow their businesses by greening their operations or explore new green business models in emerging green industries.”

“The GGKP is proud to launch, host and grow the new Green Industry Platform," said Ben Simmons, head of the Green Growth Knowledge Partnership (GGKP). "Our hope is that it will provide SMEs with timely and useful information to help them contribute even more to the green economy.”


About the Green Growth Knowledge Partnership

The Green Growth Knowledge Partnership (GGKP) is a global network of experts and organizations dedicated to providing the policy, business, and finance communities with knowledge, guidance, data, and tools to transition to an inclusive green economy.

The GGKP’s three knowledge platforms – the Green Growth Knowledge Platform, the Green Industry Platform, and the Green Finance Platform – offer quick and easy access to the latest research, case studies, toolkits, learning products, principles, and protocols from over 60 institutions to empower policy makers, businesses, and banks, insurance, and investment firms to make evidence-based decisions about how to green their operations.