Browse Big-E

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Georgia commits to develop and implement the Education for Sustainable Development Georgian National Strategy and Action Plan for 2018-2022. Despite the achievements in the field of environmental education and education for sustainable development (ESD) in Georgia, further effort is needed to maximize the potential of this field in the country. The development and implementation of the National Strategy and Action Plan will ensure that ESD in Georgia provides all citizen with knowledge, skills, values and attitudes necessary to live sustainably and foster environmentally responsible changes in society.

The commitment falls under focus area 9 of the Batumi Initiative to promote public participation, and education for sustainable development (ESD).

Implementing partners will include the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia.

The commitment is relevant to SDG target 12.8.

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Georgia commits to introduce resource efficient production and consumption (REPC) concept in order to promote the transition towards green economy by decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation and resource depletion. The introduction of RECP should result in higher productivity and thus competitiveness on global markets, better management of natural capital, enhanced environmental quality of life, more resilient ecosystems and economies, and new business and export opportunities. Elaboration of concrete measures, policy instruments and special raising awareness campaigns which will promote the RECP methods among small and medium enterprises are one of the priorities of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development. The introduction of RECP methods will enhance the efficient use of natural resources including water, energy and materials as well as minimize the impact on environment and nature, by preventing the generation of waste and emissions including those discharged to water, air or on land. On the other hand, these methods will decrease the production costs for industry representatives.

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Georgia commits to introduce Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in the national Waste Management Code. This will imply that producers take over the responsibility for preventing, collecting, separating and treating used products (waste) for their eventual recovery. EPR is considered a key financial and operational instrument which promotes the implementation of waste management schemes in line with the waste hierarchy as laid down by the Code and the development of a resource-efficient economy. The principle of EPR will be introduced gradually in Georgia by improving legislative framework and infrastructure, elaborating incentives for target groups, capacity building at national and local level. By introducing the EPR, producers will take over the responsibility for collecting or taking back used goods and for sorting and treating for their eventual recycling. Such responsibility may be merely financial or organisational as well. At the same time, it is an environmental policy approach which reduces the negative impact on the environment.

Organisation :
Regional Environmental Center (REC)

Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC) commits to develop and implement the INTERREG Europe Policy Learning Platforms. The main objective of the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platforms (PLP) is to facilitate ongoing EU-wide policy learning and capitalisation of practices among stakeholders of regional relevance in order to strengthen regional policies, and in particular programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs and, where relevant, European Territorial Cooperation. A particular emphasis is placed on providing regional policy makers with the tools and information for them to improve the performance of regional development policies and programmes. By offering relevant advice and support services the Platforms help policy makers find solutions to improve their own policies and enhance their impact and their contribution to EU strategic priorities notably through interregional cooperation projects. The REC is coordinating the platform on protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency. The project is implemented for the INTERREG Europe’s Joint Secretariat.

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Créé par décret du 10 décembre 2015, le label Transition énergétique et écologique pour le climat (TEEC) permet de valoriser les fonds d’investissement qui financent l’économie verte et d’inciter à la création de nouveaux fonds verts. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, quatre grands principes sont mis en œuvre :

  • Favoriser le développement des éco-activités et d’une économie sobre en carbone
  • Exclure les énergies fossiles et toutes les activités contraires à la TEE
  • Etre attentif aux controverses environnementales, sociales et de gouvernance (ESG)
  • Rendre compte de l’empreinte environnementale des fonds


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Pour soutenir les engagements de la France en matière de lutte contre le réchauffement climatique et ses objectifs environnementaux, la France lance en 2017 l’émission d’une obligation assimilable du Trésor (OAT) verte.

Cette émission obligataire financera des actions dans quatre domaines :

  • l’atténuation du changement climatique - la protection de la biodiversité
  • la réduction des pollutions de l’air, de l’eau et des sols
  • l’adaptation au changement climatique

Les dépenses finançables via l’OAT verte incluent des dépenses fiscales, des subventions et des investissements. Elles pourront financer des actifs tangibles (immobilier, infrastructures, terrains) ou intangibles (R&D, connaissance scientifique, capital humain et organisation)

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The Slovak Republic commits to supporting the awareness of the green economy through the Green Education Fund. The Ministry of Environment of Slovakia has launched the Green Education Fund – an innovative instrument bringing together businesses, civil society and state administration. The initiative is supposed to be a systemic, longer-term solution, supporting the environmental awareness and eco-education projects.

The commitment falls under focus area 9  of the Batumi Initiative to promote public participation and education for sustainable development.

Implementing partners will include Slovak Environment Agency, the private sector as wel as civil society.

The commitment is relevant to SDGs 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13 and 15.

Organisation :
International Fund for saving the Aral Sea (IFAS)

The Interstate Commission on Sustainable Development (ICSD) of the International Fund for saving the Aral Sea (IFAS) commits to revise the Regional Action Plan for Environment Protection of the Central Asia (REAP CA).

Organisation :
Ukraine Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources
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The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine commits to develop and implement sustainable public procurement policies.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development assigns an important role to providing new growth dynamics of developing an inclusive transformation economy, based on the principles of sustainable consumption and production. Sustainable public procurement was identified as one of the means to achieve sustainability and a key condition for the transition to a green economy. It is necessary to identify the main tasks and measures for the introduction of sustainable public procurement in Ukraine.

The commitment falls under focus area 4 of the Batumi Initiative to change in consumer behaviour in favour of sustainable consumption patterns.

Implementing partners will include the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine and others.

The commitment is relevant to SDG 12.

Organisation :
Ukraine Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources
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The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine commits to develop and implement state policy to prevent climate change.

The Paris Agreement aims to prevent climate change and strengthen global responses to the effects of climate change in the context of sustainable development and efforts to overcome poverty. In accordance with the provisions of the Paris Agreement, each country should develop its nationally determined contributions aimed at achieving the goals of sustainable low-carbon development of all sectors of the economy and increasing the ability to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change. Ukraine signed and on July 14, 2016, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine ratified the Paris Agreement, which contains rules regarding the elaboration of long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies.

The commitment falls under focus area 1 of the Batumi Initiative to improve natural capital change and assessment.

Implementing partners will include the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine and others.

The commitment is relevant to SDG 13.